If our current tiny robot catalog isn't enough for you, this handy component will help you build your own. Designed specifically for boards such as the ESP32CAM or small controllers such as the picaxe8 or attiny85, this dual motor controller only takes up 2 pins on your microcontroller - one per motor channel.
It also gives you level shifting right out of the box, with 1A peak per channel, 15 volts maximum.
Ideal for TT motors, micro gear motors, and the like. Design and build that tiny tank that's been roaming around the back of your head!
Requires bidirectional pins on the microcontroller.
More information including schematics and gerber files at at https://www.robots-everywhere.com/re_wiki/pub/web/Cookbook.2pin2motor.html
2-Pin Tiny Dual Motor Controller
- Product Code: 2pin2motor
- Availability: In Stock
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