// simple sketch to figure out the actual frequency an arduino is trying to run at // useful for cheap micro/nano boards that don't say on the silkscreen and use // a tiny crystal that has no writing on it, or too small writing // how to use: // set baud on serial monitor at 9600 // the serial string will be transmitted at 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 // so it should show up regardless #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> volatile bool wdt_used; // volatile means load from ram rather than a register // since the interrupt is changing it unsigned long start_micros; unsigned long end_micros; unsigned long diff_micros; // watchdog interrupt ISR (WDT_vect) { wdt_disable(); // disable watchdog. this makes this a oneshot wdt_used = true; } //declare reset function at address 0 void(* resetFunc) (void) = 0; void setup () { noInterrupts (); // timed sequence follows MCUSR = 0; // allow changes, disable reset WDTCSR = bit (WDCE) | bit (WDE); // set interrupt mode and an interval WDTCSR = bit (WDIE); // set WDIE, and 16 ms seconds delay wdt_reset(); // pat the dog wdt_used = false; interrupts (); start_micros = micros (); while (!wdt_used) { } // wait for watchdog. if it freezes here it // means we have a bad oscillator end_micros = micros (); if (end_micros > start_micros) diff_micros = end_micros - start_micros; if (end_micros < start_micros) diff_micros = start_micros - end_micros; // spam result on serial port // one of these should show up if we are at 9600 in the terminal! printme(2400); printme(4800); printme(9600); printme(19200); printme(38400); resetFunc(); } void printme(int baud) { Serial.begin (baud); Serial.flush(); Serial.println (); Serial.println (); Serial.print ("Baud guess = "); Serial.print (baud); Serial.print (". KHz = "); Serial.print (end_micros - start_micros); if (diff_micros > 6000 and diff_micros < 24000) { Serial.print (". Program at "); if (diff_micros > 19000) Serial.print("20?"); if (diff_micros > 12000) Serial.print("16"); else Serial.print("8"); Serial.println(" MHz."); } else { Serial.flush(); Serial.print(diff_micros); Serial.print(" not sure. Custom crystal? "); Serial.println("8Mhz board that has been underclocked?"); } Serial.println (); Serial.flush(); } void loop () { } // not really using it
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