
This simple "broom" is activated by moving the Z axis all the way down, tripping a sense switch. It then uses a 1 channel motor controller, driven by a Picaxe 8, to move a plastic "broom" (hence the name) across the build plate, removing the print and presumably flinging it into a box.

The firmware is designed to compensate for non-rigid mounting, to allow for temporary installation using zip ties.

This archive contains the firmware, layout, and schematic for it. There is also a python file for generating gcode to send the print bed to the broom location and activate the broom.

Parts list:

1x Picaxe 08, Picaxe 08M, or Picaxe 08M2

1x L298 (through-hole)

3x Sense switches

1x Gear motor

1x Spring

1x Threaded rod

1x 22k resistor

1x 3904 transistor

1x IRFZ series MOSFET

2x Filter capacitor

8x 1N4001 diode


Example video 1 (Real time)

Example video 2 (Sped up multiple prints)

Page last modified on June 10, 2020, at 07:28 AM
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