Android Serial Port on Any Device
Turns your Android phone’s audio jack into a serial output port. Perfect for controlling home automation or RC projects with a cheap Android phone, no Bluetooth required.
Need to control a serial device, such as a micro-controller, with your cell phone? Look no further than the Audio Serial Module. Using free software and open schematics, this module lets you interface your phone or your speaker-equipped surveillance camera with output devices - you can even control a robot with it!
Simple, reliable tiny and inexpensive, the output-only version of this module has only a single active component. You can make your own using the instructions from our Hackaday feature article.
We’ve improved on the Hackaday design, and this version now offers bidirectional communication with the Android platform. The updated module still only requires access to the headphone/microphone port and needs no other permissions for the software to run perfectly.
For a test app, see the Google Play Store - search for “Audio Serial Out” or Click Here
Donna Polehn has contributed a JavaScript implementation of the driver for this device, more details are available at this blog post.
Technical | |
Serial Logic Levels | 5V DC, Invertable in Software |
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