Building a Resilient Network for Humanity
Nov 19, 2020in: community, instruments, science
We've been quiet lately, but as always, busy. Robots Everywhere is proud to announce its partnership with CellSol, a not-for-profit open-source project dedicated to building a diaster-resilient wireless network free for all of humanity to use.
How do we accomplish this feat? We have designed small wireless repeater-terminals that use Semtech’s LoRa technology to communicate over long distances. Users can then connect to this LoRa network using WiFi or Bluetooth, and communicate with each other using a simple web chat. Robots Everywhere has volunteered hours to develop and test these designs, and released them open source under a Creative Commons license on CellSol’s GitHub page. Robots Everywhere team member Riley has recently stepped up to act as project manager / lead for the initiative, taking it into a public beta phase.
Robots Everywhere is also helping out with the project’s software design, providing and testing compression algorithms to help traffic flow smoothly and quickly, and helping to find more use cases where having a “backup Internet” can help humanity, such as providing our cookbook to the world in a compressed, low bandwidth format.
We will be adding kits to our product lineup soon, to help people build pylons and expand their local CellSol networks.
Keep an eye out on for updates on the beta. We will be continuing to support them on this blog, as well.
Of course, since we are constructing additional pylons, this is obligatory.
StarCraft is copyright Blizzard Entertainment and all related memes are owned by their original authors under fair use policy. This meme does not endorse or promote CellSol or Robots Everywhere in any way. It’s just funny.