
Robots Everywhere Founder on Italian TV

Robots Everywhere founder Matteo Borri, appearing on Kre@TV.
Jul 16, 2021

Our founder, Matteo Borri, was recently interviewed on Italian television station Kre@TV regarding both their contributions to space exploration, as well as the charitable efforts Robots Everywhere made towards helping COVID19 relief in the Verbania region of Italy. We'd just like to share the video of this interview with our Italian-speaking audience, so they might enjoy it.


CellSol Kits are Available!

CellSol Arduino Repeater Pylon Kit
Nov 27, 2020

CellSol kits are now available on the Robots Everywhere Product Store! For those who are looking to expand their CellSol networks, kits to build Arduino Repeater Pylons with and without Bluetooth are available. We also offer a pre-flashed version of the LoRa32 used to set up an ESP32 WiFi Pylon.


Building a Resilient Network for Humanity

the CellSol logo
Nov 19, 2020

We've been quiet lately, but as always, busy. Robots Everywhere is proud to announce its partnership with CellSol, a not-for-profit open-source project dedicated to building a diaster-resilient wireless network free for all of humanity to use.


Chlorophyll Detector on Mars Rover 2020!

The Robots Everywhere Laser Chlorophyll Detector
Jul 31, 2019

The chlorophyll detector we developed with NASA Ames Research is going to be launched to Mars in 2020! The final design of the detector was sent for space rating in May 2019, and while Robots Everywhere is sad to not be producing the space rated model that will be going up on the rover (NASA is doing that in-house) we are very happy to have our names on the design, and our instrument finally traveling to the red planet.


Automating Wood Gasifiers in Serbia

A Woodgas Generator Being Operated in Rural Serbia
Oct 9, 2012

Most of our robots are electric, so we’re always on the lookout for ways to operate them cleanly. Developing and automating clean woodgas generators is a good way to do that in environments where batteries are scarce. So we did. If you’re interested in gasifier automation, contact us or check out our store. What’s wood gas? Check out Wikipedia Working with SITES Srl, we provided design and autonomous control solutions for a gasification power plant, as well as a series of small-drop hydroelectric projects.


Barge Tracking with eTrac Engineering

eTrac Engineering and Robots Everywhere Testing Bargetrac in Sausalito Harbor, California
Sep 16, 2011

eTrac Engineering was our first major client as a consulting company, and we operated as their principal design contractors even before founding Robots Everywhere. In 2011, we built a solar powered tracker for their barges. The BargeTrac system is a solar powered low current circuit. It is an evolution of the proprietary eTrac circuit board. BargeTrac uses two GPS units to improve positional accuracy and generate accurate heading data on metal barges on which a compass would not be effective.