
Prototyping a Spindle Controller from a LaserGRBL Board

A modified LaserGRBL board to be used with a spindle
Mar 20, 2024

This article will guide you through a simple yet effective way to modify a laser GRBL board to drive a spindle motor. By utilizing an IRLZ44 MOSFET and an NTE598 diode, you can control a spindle up to approximately 36 volts and 12 amps. This is an easy project to enhance your CNC.


Parallax Propeller Case Studies

Custom Parallax Propeller Boards
Apr 21, 2023

We'd like to showcase the bespoke work we've been doing using the Parallax Propeller. The Prop and Prop2 are unique multicore microcontrollers made by Parallax Inc; their architecture allows for executing parallel tasks in hardware, which makes them perfect for things like autopilots or applications that need to control a number of motors and sensors at once. The Prop is a capable brain for small and medium robot designs, and an excellent spine for more complex designs where a Pi or other SBC has to do the abstract thinking.


Cutting Steak with a 3D Printed Knife

A 3D Printed Knife Cutting a Steak at Dinner
Nov 25, 2015

The organometallic filament we are developing is capable of holding a nice sharp edge, as demonstrated here with a piece of steak. This test suggests possible medical and industrial applications as well as 3D printed cutlery, all from a filament we generate here on-site that is compatible with a standard extruder. Move over titanium spork!