Prototyping, Case Studies, Projects - Blog

Antbot 2.0 Update

The New Antbot Console
Oct 20, 2021

With the launch of Antbot 2.0 around the corner, we've been looking for opportunities to share some of our development efforts with our readers. With the new motherboards prototyped and passing tests, and the new console software nearly ready for a beta release, we wanted to show you something.


Woodburning with L-Cheapo Lasers

An L-Cheapo Mk7 Laser Cutter burning a pattern into a wood log
Sep 20, 2021

While we continue to move forward on Antbot Mk2 development, we have another customer submission for everyone. This time by Keith Wagar, from Facebook (no references provided), he has sent us some nice photos of a wood burning project he has been doing using the L-Cheapo mk7 laser.


Robots Everywhere Founder on Italian TV

Robots Everywhere founder Matteo Borri, appearing on Kre@TV.
Jul 16, 2021

Our founder, Matteo Borri, was recently interviewed on Italian television station Kre@TV regarding both their contributions to space exploration, as well as the charitable efforts Robots Everywhere made towards helping COVID19 relief in the Verbania region of Italy. We'd just like to share the video of this interview with our Italian-speaking audience, so they might enjoy it.


Riley's Land Raider - Painted and Driving!

A Warhammer 40k Space Wolves Land Raider - Remote Controlled with FPV
May 31, 2021

2021 brought a lot of setbacks to the FPV driving Land Raider. Paint shortages, a long winter, and the struggles of the pandemic turned a few weeks of painting time into six months of waiting. Finally, however, it is here, and it is impressive.


A Controllerless Solar Bike

The third solar ebike
Apr 28, 2021

The Last Solar Ebike was stolen back in February, and we decided to make a few improvements on the next version. With a flash of inspiration towards simplicity, a purely analog solar bicycle was born. It uses no ICs or microcontrollers of any kind, only 5 MOSFETs, a transistor, and passive components. We've included a schematic at the end, for everyone interested.


AudioSerial Over the Air!

A Food Delivery Box with AudioSerial Modem Lock
Jan 22, 2021

Robots Everywhere has once again partnered with Tarlow Design to help food deliveries reach their clients securely and safely, in the wake of COVID-19. We hope with the use of our technology, we can overcome some common problems small restaurants have with big delivery services. More interestingly, we've found a way to expand our AudioSerial technology to operate over the air - not just over the wire!


Bridging CellSol Networks with IRC!

An IRC Window Showing CellSol Pylons, and the Cellsol Window
Dec 3, 2020

CellSol has just pushed a cool new feature to its development branch on GitHub: the ability to bridge networks over the wider Internet, using Internet Relay Chat (IRC).


CellSol Kits are Available!

CellSol Arduino Repeater Pylon Kit
Nov 27, 2020

CellSol kits are now available on the Robots Everywhere Product Store! For those who are looking to expand their CellSol networks, kits to build Arduino Repeater Pylons with and without Bluetooth are available. We also offer a pre-flashed version of the LoRa32 used to set up an ESP32 WiFi Pylon.


Building a Resilient Network for Humanity

the CellSol logo
Nov 19, 2020

We've been quiet lately, but as always, busy. Robots Everywhere is proud to announce its partnership with CellSol, a not-for-profit open-source project dedicated to building a diaster-resilient wireless network free for all of humanity to use.


The Machine Spirit Awakens!

A Warhammer 40k Land Raider, Partially Built, with LEDs and Remote Control
Oct 23, 2020

While we're not quite ready to reveal the projects we've been spending a lot of the fall of 2020 on, Riley has been doing something with an in-development robot architecture in his spare time. This is a Land Raider model from Warhammer 40000, by Games Workshop, fitted up with lights, sounds, a camera, and working FPV drive! While it's not finished yet, it runs and drives, so here's a video and an in-depth look on how he built it.