Prototyping, Case Studies, Projects - Blog

Positive Pressure Suit for COVID19

Matteo Borri, Founder of Robots Everywhere in a Positive Pressure PPE Suit
Apr 2, 2020

With the shortage of medical PPE throughout the world due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic, we have improvised an effective positive-pressure PPE suit. Our prorotypes have already been sent out to American hospitals. Here are the plans!


Donating Face Shields in Marin

Donating Face Shields to a local clinic in Marin County, Caliornia
Apr 1, 2020

With the COVID19 pandemic causing shortages of PPE nationwide, Robots Everywhere has stepped in to help provide resources to our local hospitals. Our 3D Printers have been running day and night to produce frames for these face shields, intended to use semi-rigid plastic such as transparency covers from Staples or Office Depot. See below for the plans.


The Robots Everywhere Blog Returns

Robots Everywhere Logo
Apr 1, 2020

Nope, not an April Fools' joke. We will be using this space to share content related to robotics, lasers, instrumentation, space exploration, and all of the other topics we've spent our lives delivering to our customers.


Automated Delivery Drone from Recycled Materials

Truckbot from Recycled Chassis
Mar 30, 2020

With the COVID19 pandemic, restaurants and businesses have needed alternative delivery methods to reach their customers. Robots Anywhere provides an inexpensive solution to upgrade any chassis to cellular drive-by-wire, even in low bandwidth environments.


Building Robotic Fish in Norway!

The Aquaai Team and the Robots Everywhere Team Together
Dec 1, 2019

In Q4 2019, we spent a lot of time collaborating with a Norwegian firm called Aquaai on a very interesting project: biomimicry. They were developing robot fish, and conveniently, we develop robot nervous systems. This was a very fun team-up and we’re looking forward to working with them again! In the summer of 2019, Aquaai contracted us to start developing a control board for a robotic fish. We were really excited about this project, as many of Matteo’s most interesting robotics designs have been inspired by nature.


A Simple One Inch Punch Project

A Pan Tilt Mount for a Camera Using a Stepper and Servo
Oct 4, 2019

Just a quick build today to demonstrate how the One Inch Punch can be used to make a swiveling tool mount. This One Inch Punch is one of the prototypes, excuse the solder - we didn’t have any production ones left in stock! This tool mount could be used as the basis for an arm, engraver, sensor or camera mount, controlled externally or by another One Inch Punch on the same bus.


Adding Bluetooth to One Inch Punch

A Pan Tilt Mount for a Camera Using a Stepper and Servo
Oct 4, 2019

We took the pan/tilt mount from Wednesday and added Bluetooth support. People were asking if the One Inch Punch could be made wireless, and the answer is “in about twenty minutes”. Plans after the break. This is a small demonstration showing that the One Inch Punch bus can be accessed wirelessly, such as this HC-05 Bluetooth Module. This allows more widespread or mobile automation solutions, such as drones, to rely on the One Inch Punch for internal control, and a remote control for an external interface.


One Inch Punch - Tiny but Powerful

The One Inch Punch Logo
Aug 24, 2019

Introducing our newest maker product. One Inch Punch is a powerful and inexpensive controller, with only one square inch of footprint! Control motors, servos, or daisy chain them for even more devices.


Chlorophyll Detector on Mars Rover 2020!

The Robots Everywhere Laser Chlorophyll Detector
Jul 31, 2019

The chlorophyll detector we developed with NASA Ames Research is going to be launched to Mars in 2020! The final design of the detector was sent for space rating in May 2019, and while Robots Everywhere is sad to not be producing the space rated model that will be going up on the rover (NASA is doing that in-house) we are very happy to have our names on the design, and our instrument finally traveling to the red planet.


Ice Cream with Robots

An Automated Ice Cream Dispenser by Robots Everywhere and Tarlow Designs
Apr 16, 2019

This ice cream dispenser was built in collaboration with Tarlow Design Not only was it a delicious project, but it lead to the creation of the One Inch Punch Controller! The One Inch Punch is a common serial bus controller with only one square inch of footprint, with built in motor, servo, and secondary serial I/O. Even alone, the One Inch Punch is powerful enough to control individual tools, such as a drill press, winch, or hopper.